Tuesday, February 16, 2010

there are so many i admire

i have been thinking about the writers (bloggers) whose work i most admire. now that i've tried to start writing myself, i am encountering the stark reality of composing thoughts and creating a thematic approach to lay down the ballast for whatever might follow. it's hugely demanding for me! spit and baling wire, la belette rouge, a femme d'un certain age, how the heck do they do it?? they sally forth, speaking eloquently and freely with their unafraid voices. while i ask: how much to reveal? how much to say? the reserve i seem to hold so close...the dangers of self-revelation?! i suppose i must conclude that my vaunted belief in the possibilities and optimistic opportunites life offers must be offset by my unacknowledged fears? i mean, we all inhabit this world, and the dangers for one are the same as for all. mine is thus far a funny and unfocused blog. bear with me?

1 comment:

  1. Again, really, you are too kind. I do sally forth but I assure you I am not an unafraid voice. I write and then I worry. I worry I have said too much or the wrong thing or that I might offend and then usually it all works out. To quote a cheesy book title that often comes to my mind, "Feel the fear and do it anyways."

